The blog of a 53 year-old gay man living in Melbourne, Australia; a writer, broadcaster, critic, arts advocate and Doctor Who fan.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
MICF 2010: Jamie Kilstein - Revenge of the Serfs
US comedian Jamie Kilstein is a compact bundle of political fury – a Chihuahua with a pit bull’s temper whose humorous tirades are squarely aimed at politicians at both ends of the political spectrum. Former US President Bush cops a serve, with Kilstein comparing him to an abusive ex-boyfriend, but nor does Obama get off lightly. “You have to question your leaders,” Kilstein manically exhorts.
Not everyone will get all his references, such as a joke about Republican pin-up girl Ayn Rand, but other gags – such as his comparison of the military’s drone bombers to every dystopian science fiction film ever made – hit dead on.
Routines about the Religious Right’s homophobia, the ‘Christian side-hug’, and the Ten Commandments of Kilstein’s newly created Church of the Smiling Vagina are all strong, but it’s when he winds down the pace to reflect on his own faults that Kilstein is at his most engaging.
Four stars Jamie Kilstein - Revenge of the Serfs VictoriaHotel until April 18 Tue-Sat 8.30pm, Sun 7.30pm $22.50 - $29.50
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